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Meet Marie

Marie is an 70-year-old African American women living in a busy city.  Marie was working part-time as a nurse until her supervisor gently suggested she consider retirement.  Marie felt pressured, and with her health declining due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), she reluctantly agreed.  Five years later, Marie's COPD progressed to the point where she was in need of oxygen at all times.  Even though Marie knows the consequences, she frequently takes off her oxygen, especially while at the senior center.  Marie does not like having to carry her tank around while participating in classes with her peers.  She feels judged and less able than others who are older than she.  Her oxygen tank also limits her abilities in getting around by slowing her down and creating a challenge for her, like when she has to hoist the tank onto the public bus.  Marie has always considered herself healthy, hardworking, and diligent, so the idea of carrying around a heavy oxygen tank with her everywhere she went, in front of everyone she knew, was really difficult for her to accept.  She was now the patient. 
In addition to managing her own health, Marie lives with her 65- year-old brother Jack who is unfortunately in worse health than she.  Despite numerous rounds of chemotherapy, Jack's cancer progressed.  Recently, Jack and Marie decided hospice was the best course.  Jack was now unable to get up from bed without help.  Marie and Jack do not have enough finances to cover home-care services, but have too much to qualify for any other options. And so, Marie helps Jack with his personal care needs like showering, and hauls her oxygen tank to their laundry room, pharmacy and grocery store.

Suggested Issues for Social Workers to Focus on with Marie

  • Suggested to retire because of Ageism and ableism

  • Access issues with respect to abilities, geography and living on a fixed income

  • Shifting life roles 

  • Living with chronic health problems

  • Little support available 

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Let's take A.C.T.I.O.N with Marie

2020 Social Work with Older Adults: Take A.C.T.I.O.N

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