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Meet Ari

Ari is 69-year-old trans man living with his partner of 20 years.  Ari was working as a pharmacist in his local town until he began making mistakes with prescriptions.  At first, the mistakes were small and did not cause his coworkers any concern.  "Maybe he's tired," they thought.  "Maybe it's time for him to retire," they said.  Ari was nervous about his mistakes but chalked them up to maybe needing new glasses, or, as assumed, being tired from years of working long hours on his feet.  Ari shared with his partner that he made some minor mistakes at work so he could gain support, but his partner admitted that he also noticed Ari was acting a bit different from his norm.  Ari grew upset and defensive, stating that he was just tired, and maybe he needed new glasses. 

Days later, Ari decide to go for a check-up with his primary care physician.  He did not share anything about the appointment with anyone.  Because of his age and reported concerns, Ari's doctor provided a verbal memory screening test.  Ari scored below average, and the doctor strongly encouraged a follow-up with a neurologist to learn whether Ari was experiencing the early stages of dementia. 

Although memory loss is not a normal part of aging (Centers for Disease Control, 2019), every 65 seconds someone in the United States develops Alzheimer's disease, a dementia-related illness that causes progressive memory loss and overall decline (Alzheimer's Association, 2018).  Going through evaluation for dementia can be a significantly complex and scary experience, especially as a trans person. Discrimination and barriers to care often occur ((Baril & Silverman, 2019).  Below are more issues to consider-

  • Challenges to care due to social identity

  • Coping with potential dementia diagnosis

  • Support for partner who potentially will evolve into caregiver role

  • Lack of hope because there is no cure for dementia

  • Fear for acceptance as trans person by senior services

Suggested Issues for Social Workers to Focus on with Ari

Let's Take A.C.T.I.O.N with Ari 

Image by Nick Cooper

2020 Social Work with Older Adults: Take A.C.T.I.O.N

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